Batikan Gulyagci

Batikan Gulyagci

Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Guest DJS

Batıkan Gülyağcı, born January 9th,1992 is a producer and at the same time an extremely talented Dj since

HOREV VAKFI High School in 2010, graduated from Avcılar,Istanbul. International Logistics in 2010
reading Bahçeşehir University, graduated in 2013. International Relations in 2013 reading Eskişehir
Anadolu University, graduated in 2015. Haliç University, Facult of Management since 2014 student
in the Department of Business Management.

He started career in 2009. Deep House, Indie Dance/Nu disco are his favourite styles and they effect
his imagination and creativity.

Ever since he has progressively combined these core values, to enlarge his distinctive audience. He was
aware that the modern age entertainment was based on electronic dance music, which he produces and uses
to showcase his perception and passion of living. This concept has quickly turned him into the most
sought after DJ in the country for every stylish, upscale venue and event.

“This is what i breathe, This is my life, This is JUST MUSIC!! STAY TUNED WITH ME”

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