Max Beat Dj

Max Beat Dj

Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Resident DJS

Max Beat, is an Italian DJ, born in Rome, his musical origins start in the early 90s with House music, his main trends are influenced by the best clubs in Italy. He is obviously an eclectic DJ, always looking for new tracks and sounds. His first steps as a DJ, were at home with friends that he slowly but surely transforms working for the best clubs in Rome and elsewhere. Over time he has participated in various radio programs to name a few; Global Cut on Radio Centro suono, ABC Radio, Madzone generation and many others! At the moment he works for Radio London, Seedo and other top clubs in Rome. He is also producer of various record labels including Maskik Record, Lapsus Music, Madzone Generation, Convert Record, SoundMusic Generation. Moreover Max Beat has collaborated with RIGHTSIDE and produced a totally house ep. The best rated tracks of Max Beat are Suns, Skunk & Cake,Pawn Star, Out Of, Zero and many others

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