Gokhan Sabanlar

Gokhan Sabanlar

Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Guest DJS

Educational Background

Demirtaş Paşa Industrial Vocational Highschool, Department of electrics and electronics, Bursa

Çelebi Mehmet Elementary School, Bursa

Dörtçelik Primary School, Bursa


Foreıgn Languages

English : Upper Intermediate

Technıcal skılls and competences


High command of computer literacy including Microsoft Office Tools (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) Extensive knowledge of Internet.Mac Os X

Music Production Softwares: Cubase,SX4,Ableton live,Logic Studio,        Wave Lab, Sound Forge,Acid

All kind of Dj equipments and hardwares.

Professional Sound & Light System .

Professional tonmaister.

organızatıonal skılls and competences


Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets;

Ability to lead a team and be a team player to achieve a common goal.

Ability to establish an annual plan of activities and develop a program  which includes identifying the funding and facilities necessary to support the plan.


Socıal Skılls and competences

Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential.


artıstıc Skılls and competences

Music Production at Home Studio ,

Professional Dj Performance since 1992

Snowboard,Wakeboard,Motocross Bike.

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