Geer Ramirez

Geer Ramirez

Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Resident DJS

German Ramirez born in the city of Minas, Republica Oriental del Uruguay.

In love with the music since small and curious of the work of the DJ. About the decade of the 90´s receives its first influences that arrived from the radios of Buenos Aires or Montevideo and mark the beginning of his work.


After his stage as a student, the end of the 90’s and found working in radio, being one of the three programs that played Electronic Music throughout the country.The new millennium begins the advent, computers, information it becomes more accessible. The realization of undergrouds parties, private parties and after much work, effort and dedication has its highest point, in the creation of the event “Minas Electroni k”. Made twice, it aimed to disseminate for free for the curious the electronic music in their city.


Characterized sound, melodic, deep and progressive. Common denominator of its presentations since 2006, Touring the cabins and parties in Uruguay. Clubs like “Diablito”, “Insomnia”, “Mercury”, “Kalu After” and “Vudu After Club “, has given him the opportunity to share a booth with the most important djs of his country: Fernando Picon, Koolt, Alana Leis, Fernando del Guercio, Claudio Cardozo and Javier Misa among others.


Main references: Sasha, John Digweed, Chalie May, Spooky among others. Since January 2014, he visits Argentina, playing with great success in events like “Next vol. 01”, “Progressive Night by Such”, “Rusty Nail”, having shared cabin with Damian Gutiérrez and Mario Puccio.

Brazil, Participating in the Namasté Festival with great local artists.


Their sets have been published, they have received support from “Progressive House Argentina”, “Just Rave” and “Ciudad Electronic BS.AS”. And played in major stations around the world.



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